Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is an ancient technique used in many cultures to alleviate muscular tension and pain, treat respiratory conditions, and assist with poor circulation. It uses a suction technique to work the tissue underneath the skin, just like a deep tissue massage. This technique helps break up lesions, scar tissue, congestion, excess lactic acid, and alleviation of chronic pain.  If you are curious about Cupping Therapy and the health benefits of the process contact us today! We will provide our free consultation and explore if this option is right for you.



  • Relaxation: suction cups provide negative pressure on the skin, muscles, and fascia. This is in contrast to the positive pressure of the deep tissue massage and can be a very relaxing and soothing experience.
  • Promotes blood circulation speeds up muscle recovery. The negative pressure from the suction allows new blood to flow into that area of tissue with several benefits –
    1. Provides a feeling of relief from physical and emotional tensions
    2. Begins the healing and regeneration process – the exchange of blood allows the removal of toxins and dead cells
    3. Enhances circulation
    4. Warms the skin, and softens tissues to regain elasticity
    5. Reduces inflammation